Geo for Pittsburg

Begin Your Massage Journey

Begin Your Journey

To Touch Your Heart - Inspire Your Soul - Renew Your Body

Begin your Journey- Escape from the Ordinary to the Extraordinary. In this setting receive a nurturing massage to relax and rejuvenate your mind, body, and spirit.

I use a holistic approach for your Therapeutic Massage.

Message Sign — Ahhh A Massage — McMurray, PA

Pain and Stress

Managing your stress and your pain is a difficult prospect. Margie can help you with that: her array of massage prospects can help you work through not just your stress, but also pain and a variety of medical conditions.

Call her at (412) 877-8569 to find out how she can help.

Holistic Therapeutic Massage

Relaxation  Massage

This relaxing massage is intended to help you release tension in the body and relax, lowering stress levels, improving circulation, and provide the therapeutic touch you’re missing in your life.

Medical  Massage

Sometimes you need more than stress relief and relaxation. Medical massage can help you manage pain, reduce inflammation, relieve nerve compression, and even improve digestion.

Table  Massage

The table massage is a full-body massage. You can schedule a session for 60 or 90 minutes. The table massage is a nurturing experience, meant to work out all the kinks and stress of your day. 

Chair  Massage

If you're short on time, a chair massage is a convenient treatment to squeeze into a lunch break, No clothing needs to be removed. And you can return to work feeling more alert and focused.

Patient Intake Form

As both a registered nurse and massage therapist, Margie wants to get to the root of your problem. Please download and complete the patient intake form. It is important for you to be honest and thorough. She will ask you additional questions during your first visit in order to understand the big picture.

Printable Intake Form

Gift Certificates

Created custom for any and all occasions, just ask!

Gift Certificate — Ahhh A Massage — McMurray, PA

Why Ahhh A Massage?

Massage Bed — Ahhh A Massage — McMurray, PA
By Admin October 29, 2020
Your therapeutic massage experience should be as unique as you. One that is designed to relieve and heal the root causes of stress, tension, headaches, chronic neck and back pain, fibromyalgia, and more. Relax and schedule an appointment today!
Woman on Beach — Ahhh A Massage — McMurray, PA
By Admin October 29, 2020
Sure a massage feels great, but did you know that there are many benefits from receiving a therapeutic massage that impact your entire health and well-being?
Pouring Water on Glass — Ahhh A Massage — McMurray, PA
By Margie Webb April 16, 2018
Guide For Good Health of S.W of PA Everyone tells us to drink water, from exercise instructors to Dr. Oz. But I have found that no one is telling us WHY! I started researching in depth the relationship between water and the lack of energy and pain. Mayo Clinic states an adult loses about 6.3 cups of urine a day. You will lose an additional 1.5 Litres (4 cups )of water a day through breathing, sweating and bowel movements. Food usually accounts for 20 percent of your total fluid intake, so you will need to consume 2 Litres of water ( a little more than 8 cups) to replace the fluids lost. Do not rely on the feeling of thirst as a guide for when to drink, by the time you feel thirsty , you may already be slightly dehydrated. Further, as you get older the body is less able to sense dehydration to send the brain signals of thirst. What is the best way to manage this ‘drought condition? A good start is to manage your intake of water-depleting drinks such as coffee, beer or beverages containing sugar. Once you drink one can of soft drink, you feel like you still need more, the body trapped in a never-ending cycle of craving hydration that simply cannot be met by consuming soft drinks. Soft drinks, coffee, and tea, while made up almost entirely of water, also contain caffeine. Caffeine found in soft drinks, coffee, and tea can act as a diuretic telling body to eliminate water thus preventing water from traveling to necessary locations in the body.
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The Massage Studio

This house was chosen for its unique design. The serenity garden and fish pond are a part of the plan to relax and refresh you. The massage room engulfs you in a soft green with low lights and candles. You sink onto a heated table as you nestle in soft cozy flannel sheets. The music lets your mind drift away.

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